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Rabu, 09 Juni 2010


Posted On 19.28 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 5 komentar

I want to say thank you to who give me information about my post " Universe" im so glad and so happy.can post this artcle..And my thanks will be goes to :

Observing Meteors

Metoers or shooting stars (pp.129-133) of ten occur in well-defined showers.Careful observation and plotting of the paths of meteors yields information of scientific value.A number of groups of amateurs are engaged in observing meteors and any interested amateur or group of amateurs can join.Contact the American Metoers Society,Flower Observatory,Upper Darby,Pa.

Observing Variable Stars

Amateurs with telescopes have done unusual work in this advanced field.Studies of these stars are co-ordinated by the American Association of Variable Star Observers,4 Brattle St..,Camridge 38,mass.The resorder of the Association will be glad furnish qualified amateurs with details about this work.


Photographingthe stars and otehr heavenly bodies is not difficult,Excellent pistures hane been taken with box cameras set firmly on a table .But pictures of faint objects must be taken with a telescope or with a special camera adjusted to compensate for the earth's motion.Photography is an important tool of astronomers -one which the amateur can use to be advantage

More Information

This article is aprimer to the sky and can only introduce a story which is more fully told in many texts and popular books on astronomy.There are magazines for the amateur too,with interesting articles and news.Try the following :

  • Baker,Robert H., When the stars Come out,1954,and introducing the Constellations,1973.Viking Press,New York.This pair of books serves to introduces the stars,meeting the needs persons without scientific background.The are well illustrated.
  • Baker,Robert H,and Rice,New Handbook of the Heavens.Withlesy House,New York 1954.A Fine book ,bridging the gap between popular volumes and sresess things to do and see.Also in a pocket edition by Mentor Books.
  • Olcott,Mayall,and Mayall,Fields Book of the Skies,G.P.Putnam's Sons,New York,1954.The revised edition of a popular and practica guide for the amaetur observe.
  • Sky an Telescope.This is the outstanding magazine for the amateurs.Monthly ;$4.00 per year.Sky Publishing Corp..Harvard College Observatory,Cambridge 38,Mass.
  • Thompson,Allyn J. Making Your Own Telescope,Sky Publishing Corp.Combridge 38,Mass,1947.How to plan and make your own instruments with much incidental information on telescopes generally

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Tips Menggaet Cewek

Posted On 13.07 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 5 komentar

Kalii ini gua pengen ngasih Tips buat kalian, Mungkin siih biasa aja.Tapi terkadang yang biasa tuh jadi luar biasa. hehehehehe..( so bagi kalian yang jombloman-jombloman,... neeh ada tips menggaet cewek. gak ada salahnnya di coba..!!yuuuk

  • Bsungkan dada. tahan perut agar gak kentut,karena hal itu akan merugikan diri sendiri dan cewek yang akan kamu gaet
  • Kembang kempiskan hidung Konon, Hidung merupakan daya tarik bagi wanita
  • Basahi dan tata rambutmu meskipun terkesan acuh tak acuh namun tetap terlihat mempesona
  • Hindari bau mulut dan bau badan tak sedap,Karena cewek kebnnyakan cewek suka dengan cowok yang wangi,. dan bersih pastinnya,..
  • Berbicaral agak kebapak-bapakan,pada saat berbicara atomenyapa,..Mungkin akan membuat tambha berkharisma di depan seorang cewek.
  • Lihatlah Dompet yang anda bawa. apakah ada isinnya ato gak....!!!
Jika Tips-Tips di atas tidak membantu,..
mungkin kesalahn tidak ada pada layar monitor anda,..
melainkan bentuk wajah... SEGERALAH PERMAK DIRI ANDA..hehehhehe
( sori bukan menghina ato apa,.cuman kebannyakan cewek meilai dari fisikly dulu,.
tapi gak papa,mungkin bagi yang mukannya PAS-PASan.. Asal Otak ama Dompet lancar,..


Making Telescope

Posted On 13.03 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

Making a telescope requires time and patience.But in the end you have an
instrument coasting only a small fraction of its worth ,plus the fun of having made it .
The telescopes made by amateurs are usually of the reflecting type.
with a concave mirror instead of a lens for gathering light.Telescope-making kits,
including a roughly finished galss "blank" for the mirror.avaible from
some optical-supply firms.The final testing and finishing of the mirror require
special skill the help of someone with experince

Meteor Or Shooting Star

Posted On 13.03 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 1 komentar

Meteor or Shooting Star exist in untold numbers within the solar system
and perhaps far beyond.Though 100 million or more strike the earth's atmosphere daily,
their speed is so great that they vaporize at white heat high in the air.
Occaional fragments penetrate the atmosphere and strike the earth,but these are rae.

Meteor fragments that reach the ground are known as meteorites.
They vary from bits hardly larger than dust particles to chunks weighing tons.
The average meteors is estimated to weigh 0.0005 ounces.
The two largest known meteorites were found in Shoutwest Africa (Hoba meteorite)
and Greenland (Ahnighto meteorits).Both are from the nickel-iron type of meteor.
Another type .the stony meteor ,is smaller or is broken up more in falling.
No stony meteorites larger than about a ton have been found.
Near Winslow in Arizona,east of Hudson Bay,and in Siberia and Esthonia are
large craters made when giant meteors struck the earth.
Small meteorites have been found near the Arizona crate,but the giant one,
estimated at over 50,000 tons,has never been discovered.
t probably vaporized on its Impact.
Meteorites are often covered with a smooth black crust farmed
as the tremendous heat caused by the fricktion of the air fused the meteor's surface.

Some Famous Comet

Posted On 12.48 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

Halley's- Last seen in 1910.Next expected about 1986.the only conspisous comet that returns in less than 100 years.It has been observed on 28 returns.

Sept.1982-A briliant comet, disrupted after passing close to the sun.Split into four comets,which may return between 2500 and 2800.

Biela's- In 1846 this comet split.In 1852,twin comets returned on the same orbit. In 1872 and in 1885,the comets failed to return but briliant meteors shower were seen instead.

Encke's - A small telescopoc comet of the Jupiter's family.It has returned rregularly since 1819 at 3. 3-year intervals.

Schwassmann-Wachmann- This comet,discovered in 1925.has an orbit which lies entirely between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn,giving it the path of a planet.


Rocket On The Moon

Posted On 12.40 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

Given time and money for research, a rocket capable of reaching the moon
will certainly be made.To be successful,this rocket will need a speed
of about 7 miles per second ,or 25,000 miles per hour ,
to carry it past the point where the earth's reached,no fuel will be needed.
The rocket will be no friction with atmosphere to slow it down.
Because of the difference is mass and hence in gravitational pull,
the point of equal gravitational pull between earth and moon is
about 220,000 because of the earth and 30,000 miles from the moon.
Because of the weaker pull of the moon,
a rocket on its return trip will need a spees of only 1.5 miles per second to escape.

Solar eclipse

Posted On 12.33 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

An eclipse of the sun can occur only when the moon is new-when it is between the earth and the sun.If the orbits of the earth and moon were at their minimum distance apart,an eclipse would occur every month.It does not occur that aften because the moon's orbit is inclined about 5 degress to the earth's or farther from the earth as revolves.This is important, as the average length of the moon's Shadow is 232,000 miles,but its distance from teh earth averages 235,000 miles.An eclipse cannot occur under average conditions.

However ,because of variations in its orbit ,the moon's shadow is sometimes longer and its distance from the earth sometimes shorter.If this occur at the time of a new moon,we have an eclipse are calculated years in advance.At any one place the duration of totality varies.In the eclipse of June 22,1955,it was unusually long-over 7 minutes.

You will see total eclipse when the true shadow (umbra) of the moon passes over you.The umbra produces a round shadow,never more than 170 miles in diameter,which travels rapidly over the earth.The penumbra ,which surrounds the umbra like an inverted cone , does not completely exclude the sunlight and hence gives only a partial forms a circle about 4,000 miles in diameter arround the umbra.Observers in the path of totality, red prominences appear.The weirdly darkened sky is lit up by the streaming sorona , which may extend over a million miles from the sun's surface.Nothing is as inspiring and awesome as the few minutes of totality.Then a bead of sunlight breaks through on the opposite side of the darkened disc,and ,after repeating the parial, the eclipse is over.

Eclipse of The Sun

Posted On 12.13 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

Until recently no astrono,ical event affered such opportunities
as a total eclipse of the sun.
Using ne methods,astronomerscan now make some
of the observations that once had to await an eclipse.but the beauty
and awesomeness of a total eclipse are still unequales.
In the pattern of movements of moon,earth, and sun,
there are always two or five solar eclipses each year.
Some are total,some partical,and some annular (p.152).
on teh average there are two total eclipses of the sun every three years.

Annular Eclipse

Posted On 11.56 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

The distance from the earth to the moon varies.
If an eclipse occurs when the moon is its average distance away or father,
the umbra of the moon's shadow does not reach the earth.
An annulus,or thin ring of sunlight,remains around the moon.
The path of an annular eclipse is about 30 miles wider than
that of a total eclpise is about,Surrounding this area,
as in a total eclipse,is a region
4,000 to 6,000 miles wide
where the eclipse is partial.Of all solar eclipses,
35 per cent are partl ; 32 percent annular ; 5 per cent both annular
and total,and 28 per cent total



Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

How To Observe Meteors

Posted On 10.51 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

Ameteurs who know the stars and constellations can study
and map metors showers. Most are best seen between midnight
and dawn on nights when showers are expeted.
observations works best when two or more amateurs co-operate.
Several observers facing in different directions can thus cover
the entire sky,
and few meteors escape notice. When possible,
each observer should have an assistant to record the data,
because meteors may sometimes come so fast that one cannot
take time out to record them.For each meteor observed it is important to record the time the star constellation near which it is grees.
Notes an itrs speed (meteors vary considerably),
color,trail,and briliance as compared to stars of known magnitude are also worth while.

Prepare data sheets in advance.Develop abbreviations for quick recording.
Find a place with a clear view of the sky and arrange for deck chairs or
some others comfortable rest.Warm clothing and a blanket,
even in summer,are advisable.
Ameteurs have recordedhundreds of meteors in an hour of observation.
Each,plotted on a chart of the sky,gives a picture similiar to that on the next page,clearly indicating the radiant point of the shower


Meteors Chart

Posted On 10.43 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

This is a chart of the paths that meteors to follow during a shower .
Actually ,the meteors move in parallel paths,
these seem to emerge from a point-an optical illusion due to perpective.
meteors in a shower do originate in the same part of the sky,
though they are not related to the constellaion from
which they seem come,If the radiant point and the speed of
the meteors are known ,the orbit of the meteor swarm can be
calculated this can be done,Possibly most meteors belong to
swarms and very few solitary,stray meteors exist.


Posted On 10.38 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

Rainbow are solar spectra formed as sunlight passes through drops of water.
Rainbow may be seen when a hose is adjusted to a fine spra.
The drops act like prisms.refracting sunlight to produce the spectrum.
A single,or primary,rainbow has red on the outside,
violet inside.its arc,40 degrees in radius ,
is always on a line with the observer and the sun.
When you see bow,the sun is behind you.
Sometimes asecondary rainbow farms outside the primary.
It is fainter,with colors reversed-red inside, violet outside.
The secondary bowfarms from light reflested twice within drops.
Light may be reflected more than twice, so occasionally up to five bows are seen.
Another type of bow-red or red and green-may appear with primary and secondary bows.

Zodiacal Light

Posted On 10.35 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

ZODIACAL LIGHT is so called because the triangular band of light which extend from the horizon half way to the zenith follows the earth's ecliptic and hences passes through the constellations of the zodiac.This faint glowing light is best observed in the early evenings of march an April and just before dawn in September and otober.In the tropics it is seen more often .On a clear,moonless night its brightest areas may outshine the Milky Way.In the above illustrations its brightness has been emphasized to show its form.

Zodiacal light is apparently sunlight reflected from meteoric partikels existing in areas near the plane of the ecliptic,Though meteoric particles are concentranted inthis region ,they do not exist in large numbers.If the particles were of pinhead size and five miles apart,there would be enough within the earth's orbit to reflect the amount of light usually observed.

The zodiacal light seems to widen into a spot some 10 degrees in diameters at a place just opposite he sun.This faint haze of light that moves opposite the sun known as Gegenschein of Counterglow

The areas of zodial light called Gagenschein may owe its increased light to the fact that meteoric particles directly opposite the sun reflect toward us more sunlight than is reflected by particles in portions of the band that are not directly opposite the sun

On The Moon

Posted On 10.13 by Satrio Sastro Sentono 0 komentar

Oue unique moon is over a quarter of the diameter of the planet
around which it revolves.
However,its weight is only 1/83 that of the earth,
its volume 1/50,and its gravitional pull 1/5 of the earth's.

It is probably an empty,lifeless place.on the sunny side,
temperatures are near boiling ; on the dark side they are lower thanany on earth.
in some sections cindery,dusty plains extend in all directions,
their surface marres by deep cracks and broken ridges.
Thousands of craters,some caused by metors,some perhaps by ancient volcanoes,
cover the rest of the moon's surface.

These range from 1/4 mile to 150 miles across,with steep,
rocky walls jutting upward as high as mile or two.
Sometimes an isolated peak is within the creter.
Bright streaks or rays extend in all directios from some creters.
Beside the creters and plains
(called seas by early astronomes who thught they were full of water), the moon has mountain ranges with peaks three,four,and five miles high. In propotion to the size of the moon they are much higher than mountains on the earth.
